In Singapore, on 7th April 202c, it enacted legislation to conduct meeting online because of the pandemic. Because of the pandemic, almost all the businesses are facing a huge loss. Even though pandemic hits the world, no one working in the technology sector can sit and relax. It’s highly impossible not to conduct any meetings. As social distance is a must for everyone, online meetings are becoming a trend in almost all nations. AGM, which means an annual general meeting that has to be held everywhere, is now taking place with online meeting apps. It’s a safe and chose option for many individuals. Because meeting each other is unsafe and even impossible.
AGM technology is trending for meetings
Virtual AGM Singapore is trending, and many sectors use it. It needs high-end webcasting of both software and hardware, which should be a very improved one to conduct these AGM. But still, it is being practiced to be safe from coming outside and exposing us to the virus. When someone sits in a virtual meeting, he might think that internet connectivity issues sometimes face software issues. But this AGM technology is something which is highly improved software. It has the best software, and it makes the one sitting in front of the laptop to feel like he is physically present in the meeting as there will not be any lagging of network or audio connectivity.
The best choice which one can find out in this pandemic. As we cannot expose ourselves and put our life at risk, this is one of the better options to conduct virtual meetings. It has restricted entry and easy joining, which even takes care of the privacy of the meeting. Not everyone can join the meeting as one should ask permission, which makes it super easy to use and meet.